Graham Fellows, Class of 1989, is a Director of QUOD Architecture and Manager of QUT (Queensland University of Technology) Entrepreneurship.
After graduating, Graham worked with Queensland Police in Asian Organized Crime, completed a degree in Asian Studies and Communication at The University of Queensland, lived in Japan for a time with Adam Richardt from the Class of 1989, and then went on the journey of a lifetime started by the Ship for World Youth – Australia, a unique once in a lifetime program funded by the Japanese Government in 1999 (Graham highly recommends it to you if you’re under 30 to participate or 35 as a national delegation leader). The 2-month program, supported by the United Nations University, saw 280 people from around the world travel together for two months from Tokyo to Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tahiti, Galapagos Islands, Guayaquil (Ecuador), Acapulco (Mexico), and Hawaii (and he met his wife Giova (one of the Venezuelan delegation) on the program…he’s pleased about that).
Giova and Graham have six children, the youngest seven months old. Graham moved to Mexico after the SWY program, worked commercials and the catwalk in a total paradigm shift, and went into business in international trade in cultural artefacts, jewelry, textiles, interior design, and indigenous products through national trade shows.
In 2012 he returned to QUT, completed his Master of Business, and continues to research entrepreneurial mindset, processes, and frameworks. Following the running of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) National Expert Engagement for several years, the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)’s mission to Shanghai and Suzhou in China, QUT CEA Collider’s Asia Immersion to Thailand, and Startup Catalyst Community Leaders Missions to Boulder, Denver and San Francisco,
Graham shares his experience as a senior lecturer in Entrepreneurship within QUT’s Graduate School of Business in the Executive MBA and Digital MBA programs, working with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to deliver unique experiences, inspiring and amplifying opportunities through programs, community, and mentoring, encouraging all to pursue opportunities beyond the resources currently controlled (he says there’s lots of help out there if you’re looking for it).
Graham is also delivering projects through Quod at various scales from high-end multi residential, new houses and renovations to boutique cafes, healthcare practices and international franchises. Two side-hustles he’s enjoying at the moment are Entremap, a comprehensive psychometric test of your entrepreneurial mindset, and Recyclebar, an online recycling marketplace.
Graham loved his time at SCOTS PGC College, nothing beats the memories formed with wonderful people in the most unique experiences.
**He says that the friends you keep from SCOTS PGC are the closest you keep in life, and he’s forever thankful **…/our-team/graham-fellows/…/view/html/index.php……/our-team/graham-fellows/…/view/html/index.php…